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Eva three step
THE CHRISTMAS TREE 1 (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) B Skelton Pohutakawa Bk
1- 8 1s dance up for 2 steps, dance down for 2 steps while 2s step up, 1L curves round left to 2nd place while 1M curves round right to 2nd place and set
9-16 1s dance up for 2 steps, dance down for 2 steps, 1L curves round left below 3s while 1M curves round right below 3s and cast up to 2nd place
17-24 1s turn LH, lead up crossing and cast to 2nd places opposite sides, cross passing LSh to own sides in double triangle position
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles ending in 2nd place own sides
1. Everyone
Ring Each set forms a ring and sidestep sevens to the left finishing with two short threes. Sidestep right and two short threes. – 8 bars
2. Right and left wheel Turn to the left and put right hands in the center of your set, shoulder high with ladies hands above the gents. Promenade clockwise for 4 bars, turn clockwise and put left hands in the center and promenade back to place. – 8 bars
3. Down the center and turn Couple face each other, first couple dances down the set on the inside using promenade step while the second couple dances up the set on the outside (2b). Without turning around, the couples change places so the first is on the outside and second is on the inside. First couple reverses up the set while the second couple reverses down (2b). All clap hands twice and then hook right arms and turn once in place. – 8 bars
4. Up the center and swing Couples advance again but this time the second couple dances up the center and first couples dances down. Reverse back to place. Clap hands twice again but instead of hooking arms and turning in place, all couples hook arms and as they turn, the first couple progresses down the set as the second couple progresses up. Upon reaching the new position, immediately form a circle with your new couple and repeat the dance. The dance is repeated until the musicians or dancers pass out. – 8 bars
Formation: Large circle round the room, ladies on the right of their partner.
Music: 32 bar Reels or Jigs.
1-8 Hands joined in a circle, circle round to the left (8 bars/16 steps).
9-16 Advance into the centre and retire twice.
17-24 Dance a grand chain around the circle, starting giving right hand to partner, left hand to the next person, right to the next, and so on, continuing in the same direction around the circle and counting aloud until you reach "seven". When you reach seven, do not pass, but stop with that person. Men are travelling anti-clockwise, ladies clockwise.
25-32 Spin that new partner, finishing back in the large circle, lady on the right, ready to start again.
Repeat ad lib.
Once the dancers have the hang of the dance, the caller often varies the number of hands, 8, 9, 10, etc.
SUGAR CANDIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 26
1- 8 1s set and cast 1 place, cross passing LSh and cast RSh round their 1st corner into centre ending BtoB (Lady facing up, Man down)
9-16 1L circle left with 2s and 1M with 3s, turn to face partner and set, ¾ turn partner 2H to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH and end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides passing 1st corner LSh and cross RH to 2nd place own sides
Position of Dancers: Dancers line up in sets of three, as in diagram:
O X O (1)
O X O (2)
O X O (3)
O X O (4)
Each O represents a lady, X a gentleman. Set (1) facing Set (2), etc.
1. Advance and Retire
Advance and retire twice (8 bars), as in ‘Siege of Ennis‘.
2. Sides
Each set of three dancers sidestep to the right (2 bars), end with rising step (2 bars);
sidestep back (2 bars), end with rising-step (2 bars).
3. Right Hands Across
All give right hand across in centre, dance around clockwise (4 bars); release hands, reverse, give left hands, dance to left back to place (4 bars).
4. Sides
As in (2) above, but dancers sidestep to left (8 bars).
5. Left Hands Across
As in (3) above, but dancers give left hands across first (8 bars).
6. Step and Turn
Gentlemen turn towards right-hand partner; both dance Sink and Grind twice on right foot (4 bars); take ladys right hand and dance around her to place (4 bars). Repeat the movement with left-hand partner, giving left hand to return to place.
7. Advance, Retire and Pass Through
All advance and retire, release hands and pass through, opposite dancers right arm to right arm when passing each other (8 bars).
Repeat the movements with each successive set
FOLLOW ME HOME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) E Briscoe RSCDS 38
1-8 1s set & cross RH, cast 1 place on opposite side & turn LH (ending in a diagonal line LH to partner & RH with 1st corner)
9-16 1s balance in line with 1st crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase cl'wise to opp crnr (behind prtnrs 2nd crnr) & dance in to 2nd crnr
17-24 1s balance in line LH with 2nd crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase anti-cl'wise (behind 1st crnrs) & end in 2nd place opp sides
25-32 3s&1s&2s dance 1/2 Reels of 3 on the sides 1s giving LSh 2 corner position, set & cross RH
THE SILVER TASSIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Drewry Bon Accord Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s cross RH and set, cross back RH and set
9-16 1s and 3s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s (3s casting)
17-24 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down, 1s followed by 2s+3s (who part to let 1s thru) dance back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance the Rondel. 213
The Walls of Limerick is the simplest of all dances from the point of view of execution. At starting, the dancers line-up in couples, lady on gemtleman’s right, each set of two couples facing each other. It is danced to reel–time, and consists of four movements, as follows.
1. Advance and Retire
This is and essential feature in the majority of ‘long dances’. Gentleman takes partner’s left hand in his right, both advance to meet the opposite couple (2 bars), retire to the place (2 bars). Repeat the movement.
2. Half Right and Left
Ladies exchange places by side-stepping across the left, passing each other face to face, and finishing with two short threes (4 bars); gentlemen now exchange places, but side-step to the right (4 bars).
3. Dance with Opposite
Each gentleman and opposite lady take right hands, both sidestep to gentleman’s left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back, finishing with two short threes (4 bars).
4. Dance Around
Gentleman takes own partner’s hands, both dance a complete circle around opposite couple (8 bars), finishing up to face in the opposite direction.
Repeat the movements with the next couple and with each succeeding couple until the music ceases. In the manner each couple progresses on the completion of the set of moments with the result that the couples dancing opposite each other are constantly varying.
PELORUS JACK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) B Skelton RSCDS Bk 41
1- 8 1s cross RH and cast 1 place, dance RH across with 3s and 1s end with Man facing his 1st corner with his partner behind him
9-16 1s dance Alternating Tandem ½ reel of 3 with 1st corners, 1s dance Alternating Tandem ½ reel with 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance Alternating Tandem ½ reels of 3 with Ladies 1st corner (pstn), 1s dance Alternating Tandem ½ reel with Ladies 2nd corner (pstn)
25-32 1M followed by partner dance into LH across with 2s, 1s retain LH and ½ turn to own sides and 2s+1s+3s set
A Long Dance in Reel Time, for any even number of trios, danced to the tune of the same name, or any other reel. The trios consist of a gentleman with two ladies on his right.
(a) Advance and Retire
The two trios in each set, holding hands, advance towards each other with Promenade Step (2 bars) and retire (2 bars). Repeat the same movement again (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Swing with Opposite Lady
The gents and the ladies opposite then take hands, crossed, and swing eight ‘threes’ in place, centre lady remaining stationary.
8 bars
(c) Swing with Lady on Right
The gents and the ladies on their right take hands crossed and swing eight ‘threes’ in place, other ladies remaining stationary.
8 bars
(d) Link Arms in Centre
The gents link right arms in centre and, with Promenade Step, dance round clockwise (4 bars); turn and link left arms, dancing anticlockwise, finishing up between his two partners (4 bars).
8 bars
(e) Swing Out
Each gent and his two partners form a ring of three, and each ring (revolving clockwise) swings out and round, to meet the trio in the next set who had been facing them, and line up as at the beginning of the dance, to recommence, ladies having exchanged places.
8 bars
Introduction: -
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 Ladies dance RH across (partners on their left) in St George's Cross formation, change to Men dancing LH across in centre back to places
17-24 All set to partners twice & turn 2H < br>25-40 All dance Grand Chain (2 steps to each person, 16 bars total)
Dance: - 8 times through firstly with 1L in centre, then 2L, 3L, 4L, 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M
1- 8 With 1L in centre of dance setting (special steps?) the others dance 7H round & back
9-16 1L sets to partner & turns 2H, 1st Lady sets & turns 3rd Man
17-24 1L dances reel of 3 with partner & 3rd Man passing partner LSh
25-32 1L sets in centre while others circles 7H round & back
33-40 1L sets to 4th Man & turns 2H, 1st Lady sets to 2nd Man & turns 2H
41-48 1L dances a reel of 3 with 4M+2M across dance passing 4M LSh & 1L retires to place as 2L goes into centre
Finale: -
1-40 Repeat Introduction
BEWARTY BISHOP (R8x32) 2C (4C set)
1-4 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance into centre & up to form a line across with 2s (facing up)
5-12 1s+2s dance up 1 step & Men pass Ladies in front to put 2s in the middle in prom hold facing 1L (in 1M position), 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across giving LSh to 1L, 2s cast down round 1s to original places
13-16 2s cross RH, cast up to top, dance into centre & form line across with 1s (facing down)
17-24 1s+2s dance down 1 step & Men pass Ladies in front to put 1s in the middle in prom hold facing 2L (in 2M position), 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across giving RSh to 2L, 1s cast up round 2s to original places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot