Форум Киевской школы кельтских танцев "Лугнасад"


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Кейли в Шенноне

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Господа, у кого не занят четверг, то вполне можно сходить вот сюда:

Кейли-вечеринка для детей и взрослых!

3 сентября в 1900 школа ирландского танца «Shannon River» приглашает детей и взрослых на танцевальную вечеринку с мастер-классом.

Во время мастер-класса вы узнаете об истории ирландского танца, его разновидностях и основных танцевальных элементах. Поскольку танец – это, прежде всего, практика, все желающие изучат несколько коллективных танцев кейли под руководством преподавателей школы, а ученики «Shannon River» исполнят танцы, с которыми выступают на международных соревнованиях. Также в программе живая музыка от киевской фольк-группы «Rún».

Мы гарантируем веселый и незабываемый танцевальный опыт для Вас и Ваших детей в атмосфере зажигательных мелодий и позитивной энергетики – а также сюрприз в наилучших традициях ирландского угощения!

Вход бесплатный.

Ждем вас: бул. Шевченко 50/52, зал 436, начало 1900


Так ты туда ходила? Что там и как было, в курсе?


Ничего не знаю, не была.


25 декабря в 18.00 Шеннон Ривер устраивает кейли-вечеринку, между прочим под "Йогурт". Пойдёмте?


это получается после нашего занятия? я бы пошла бы...


Мы с Андреем - пас. В этот же день бал у Ривери и мы идем туда


Да, мы идем.
вот тут программа вечера: http://shannon-river.at.ua/publ/skhemy/ … /12-1-0-44
Там же есть видео всех танцев, можно освежить в памяти станцованное сегодня и даже выучить по видео тем, кого не было. Мы прошли половину, еще половину доразберем в воскресенье на своем занятии (не берите харды))) Не пугайтесь, если увидите на видео немного не те движения, которые мы учили - главное общая схема, а то, что делают ногами, вариируется.
Вот тут: http://tnn-ceilidh.ru/index.php?option= … ;Itemid=14 (в разделе "Современные ирландские танцы", если не откроется) есть схемы всего, что мы уже выучили, на русском. Надеюсь, Наташа выложит еще оригинальные схемы на английском.


Оригинальные схемы (спасибо Маше за книжечку:)

The ‘waves’ in this dance are meant to represent the waves so frequently seen around the
island of Tory off the north coast of Donegal. Tonnai Thoraigh is a Long Dance in Reel Time
for any even number of couples. The dance is progressive and the couples are in sets of
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
(a) Advance and Retire
The two line advance towards each other with Promenade Step (2 bars) and retire to place
(2 bars). This movement is then repeated (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Right and Left Hands Across
Each set of four dancers give right hand across in the centre, shoulder high, and dance
around clockwise. On the last ‘three’ they release hands and turn in (4 bars). They now
give left hands across and wheel around anti-clockwise, to finish in lines again (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Advance and Retire
The same as A above.
8 bars
(d) Left and Right Hands Across
The same as B above, but all commence by giving left hands across, and go round anticlockwise.
8 bars
(e) Lead off to the Right and up the Centre
(This movement and the following movements are usually done to march time music).
All couples turn to gents. left and take inside hands. Couple 1 lead off to the right and
down to the bottom of the set followed by the other couples. Couple 1 turn right again and
lead up the centre to place, the other couples following.
(f) The Waves
Couple 1 release hands, turn in to each other and then face down the hall, take inside
hands and raise them to form an arch and promenade towards couple 2 who pass under the
arch made by Couple 1 to the top of the set and turn about. Couple 1 now exchange places
with Couple 3 in the same manner except that Couple 3 make the arch and Couple 1 pass
under. Couple 1 continue in the same manner down to the bottom of the set, making
arches and passing under alternately.
Couple 2 and each succeeding couple in turn, on reaching the top of the set, turn about,
face down the hall, form an arch, and repeat the movement down the set as described for
Couple 1.
When Couple 1 reach the bottom of the set, they turn about, pass under the arch of
Couple 2 and continue up the set in the same manner, making arches and passing under,
until they reach their original places. Each succeeding couple on arriving at the bottom of
the set proceed up to place again in the same manner as discribed for Couple 1.
As each couple reach their places they stand idle until all have concluded the
‘Tonnai’(Waves), having faced their partners in lines.
(g) Cast Off
Couple 1 release hands. Cast off (lady to the right and gent to the left), and march down
the set followed by the other dancers who have marched to Couple 1.s position and cast
off in the same manner.
When they reach the bottom, Couples 1 and 2 take both hands uncrossed and raise them to
form an arch. Couple 3 take inside hands and pass under the arch and up to the top of the
set, followed by the other dancers. When all have passed under, they form again into two
lines, partners facing each other, but Couples 1 and 2 remaining at the bottom of the set.
The dance is repeated with Couple 3 now leading.

This was originally a four-hand dance, its four movements being repeated as often as
desired. It is now usually done as a progressive Long Dance, and is so described below. It is
in Double Jig time, and is danced to the tune, ‘Haste to the Wedding’. Each part of the
tune must be played twice after the dance commences so that the claps in C and D will fit
properly to the music.
Formation: as in the ‘Walls of Limerick’.
(a) Ring
Each set of four dancers hold hands to form a ring. All dance sidestep to left finishing with
two short ‘threes’, and return to the right, finishing as before.
8 bars
(b) Right and Left Wheels
The four now give right hands across centre, shoulder high, with ladies. hands above
gents., and dance around clockwise, with Promenade Step (4 bars). On fourth bar all
release hands and reverse. All now give left hands across and dance back to places (4
8 bars
(c) Down Centre and Turn
Top and bottom couples of each set advance to each others. places, without taking handstop
couple passing between the other two dancers (2 bars); all retire without turning, but
this time bottom couple pass between other two (2 bars). All clap hands together twice to
one bar of music, and then hook right arms and turn once in place, (4 bars).
8 bars
(d) Up Centre and Swing
Couples again advance, but this time bottom couple pass through (2 bars); on retiring as
before, top couple pass between the other two dancers (2 bars). All clap again twice to
one bar of music, then hook right arms again, but this time they swing out, and so change
places (4 bars).
8 bars
Couple 1 now faces Couple 4, and Couple 3 faces Couple 6, and so on, and from these new
positions the dance is recommenced.

A Long Dance in Jig Time
Position of Dancers: Dancers line up in fours, two couples in each line; each set of two
couples stands facing another set of two couples, each gentleman on his partner.s left, as
in diagram:
O X O X (1) O X O X (5)
X O X O (2) X O X O (6)
O X O X (3) O X O X (7)
X O X O (4) X O X O (8)
Each O represents a lady, X a gentleman; (1) facing (2), etc.
1. Advance and Retire
Each set of four dancers take hands and advance to opposite four (2 bars); retire (2 bars).
Advance and retire again (4 bars)
2. Sides
The couple on the left of each line of four sidestep to the right behind, ending with rise
and grind, while couple on right of each line of four sidestep to left, in front (4 bars); all
sidestep back to place, ending with Rise and Grind (4 bars).
3. Hands Across
The two ladies and two gentlemen facing each other in the centre give right hands across
and dance round to the right (4 bars); release hands, reverse, give left hand across, and
dance to the left back to place (4 bars). At the same time the gentleman on the left of
each line of four takes right hand of the lady opposite him, both dance around to the right,
release hands, reverse, take left hands and dance to the left back to place.
4. Advance, Retire and Pass Through
Advance and retire as explained in first movement (4 bars). All advance again (2 bars);
each set of four facing the music raise hands allowing opposite four to pass under, one
dancer under each arch, outer gentlemen passing on the outside, all advancing so as to
meet oncoming set of four dancers. Thus, Set (1) in the diagram now meet Set (4), Set (5)
meet Set (8).
Repeat the above movements with each successive set.

This is a progressive Long Dance in Double Jig Time for any number of couples.
The dancers form up in two lines – the gents in one line, the ladies in the other – partners
facing each other – gents left side to top of room. Couples are numbered off from the top.
Each odd couple and the even couple immediately below them form a set.
(a) The Rising Step
The lady of each odd (or leading) couple, and the gent of the next couple below, face each
other, as do also the gent of the odd couple and the lady of the next couple below. All
dance ‘Rise and Grind‘, first on the right foot and then on the left.
4 bars
(b) Right Wheel
Each set of four join their right hands in the centre, the ladies. hands above the gents.,
and dance clockwise with Promenade Step, to places.
4 bars
(c) The Rising Step
As at A, but all commence ‘Rise and Grind‘ on the left foot.
4 bars
(d) Left Wheel
As at B, but all join left hands in centre and dance anticlockwise.
8 bars
(e) Advance Down Centre
The gents of odd couples take partners. right hands in their left while even couples stand
in places. Odd couples then advance down the centre between the even couples, with
Promenade Step (2 bars); release hands and reverse (2 bars); take inside hands and
advance back to places (2 bars). Odd couples now ‘cast off‘, i.e., gent passes round, and
takes place below the even gent of his set, while lady passes out and round the
corresponding lady, and takes place below her (2 bars).
8 bars
(f) Dance Around
Odd couples are now below the even couples with whom they are dancing, and from here
partners take crossed hands and couples swing around each other anti-clockwise and back
to these new positions.
8 bars
The dance is now repeated, Couple 1 dancing with Couple 4, Couple 3 with Couple 6, and
so on. Each even couple which reaches the top and each odd couple which reaches the
bottom of the line, stand idle during one complete movement of the Dance, and then
recommence – couple at top as leading couple, and couple at bottom as non-leading
The Dance is repeated at discretion.


This is another Long Dance for any number of couples, in double Jig Time, danced to the
tune of the same name.
Couples are numbered off from the top. Each odd couple and the even couple immediately
below them form a set. In this Dance the even couples are the leading ones.
(a) The Rising Step
As A in ‘Rince Fada’. 4 bars
(b) Right Wheel
As B in ‘Rince Fada’. 4 bars
(c) The Rising Step
As C in ‘Rince Fada’. 4 bars
(d) Left Wheel
As D in ‘Rince Fada’. 4 bars
(e) Up the Centre
The even (or leading) couples take hands and dance sidestep up between the odd couples
of their set, i.e., to the gents. left, finishing with two short ‘threes’ (4 bars); then they
sidestep back to places, finishing as before (4 bars), but on the second ‘three’ the even
couple take the lady of the odd couple into a ring by joining hands (ladies or even couples
being on the right of their partners in ring).
8 bars
(f) First Ring
The rings of three now dance a sidestep to their right (2 bars). While the even couples
dance two ‘threes’ they raise their joined hands to form an arch and allow the lady of the
odd couple to pass under the arch to her original position, and prepare to take her partner
into ring (2 bars).
4 bars
(g) Second Ring
The couple now take in the gent who has been standing idle, and joining hands with him,
the three dance a Sidestep to the left, and allow the gent to pass under the arch to his
place while they dance two ‘threes’.
4 bars
(h) Swing Out
Each even couple and the odd couple next above them now swing out, and round each
other, with Promenade Step, and so exchange places.
8 bars
The dance is now repeated, those at either end of the line standing idle, while Couple 4
dances with Couple 1 and Couple 6 with Couple 3, and so on. On the next repetition of the
Dance all couples will be dancing again.

The Walls of Limerick is the simplest of all dances from the point of view of execution. At
starting, the dancers line-up in couples, lady on gemtleman’s right, each set of two
couples facing each other. It is danced to reel–time, and consists of four movements, as
1. Advance and Retire
This is and essential feature in the majority of ‘long dances’. Gentleman takes partner’s
left hand in his right, both advance to meet the opposite couple (2 bars), retire to the
place (2 bars). Repeat the movement.
2. Half Right and Left
Ladies exchange places by side-stepping across the left, passing each other face to face,
and finishing with two short threes (4 bars); gentlemen now exchange places, but side-step
to the right (4 bars).
3. Dance with Opposite
Each gentleman and opposite lady take right hands, both sidestep to gentleman’s left,
finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back, finishing with two short threes (4
4. Dance Around
Gentleman takes own partner’s hands, both dance a complete circle around opposite
couple (8 bars), finishing up to face in the opposite direction.
Repeat the movements with the next couple and with each succeeding couple until the
music ceases. In the manner each couple progresses on the completion of the set of
moments with the result that the couples dancing opposite each other are constantly